
Dnd backgrounds
Dnd backgrounds

dnd backgrounds

You have learned the basics of herbalism and alchemy, and you know how to make antitoxin and potions of healing. You have apprenticed under an alchemist in the city of Elandria. If you do come up with some Ideals, Bonds and Flaws, feel free to share them with the rest of us in the comments below. If you use these backgrounds for your own game, feel free to come up with your Ideals, Bonds and Flaws for them, or, better yet, let the players do so when they choose these backgrounds. I don’t like spending time designing or fleshing out things we won’t actually use at the table. I prefer to focus my time and energy on designing features that give me the most “bang for my buck”-features that will be used and enjoyed by the players. Those of you who’ve listened to Game Master’s Journey or read this blog much know that I like to be very strategic with my game designing. The second reason is that when the players do get into them, they usually like creating their own, or riffing off an example, and we already have plenty of example for Ideals, Bonds and Flaws in the official books. The first reason is that I don’t find Ideals, Bonds and Flaws to be terribly useful or relevant in my games. You’ll notice I’m not including Ideals, Bonds and Flaws in these backgrounds. Presented below are the Alchemist’s Apprentice, Cartographer, Farmer, and Independant Merchant. (If you’re interested in checking out my campaign, I have the actual play of our game sessions as part of my Game Master’s Journey podcast.) These backgrounds can be used in pretty much any D&D setting. I thought I’d share some backgrounds I created for my current D&D campaign, Hinterlands of Elandria.

Dnd backgrounds